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Water filtration technology is one of the most important things you can have, as it can adapt to your specific water treatment needs. A UF filtration system is one of the best things you can have in a commercial business, industry, or municipality. Today, we will be talking about the different applications of UF filtration systems in the water industry. 


Drinking water

In order to ensure that the water is safe for consumption, a UF filtration system is definitely a good piece of technology to have. Seeing as the wastewater can contain several harsh chemicals and compounds, using UF filtration systems can ensure that your water is the best it can be. For drinking water, ultrafiltration systems are mainly used as a tertiary filtration application or a pretreatment for reverse osmosis. 

Tertiary filtration

This is best used when you have drinking water treatment or wastewater reuse. To ensure that the water is the best quality possible, this tertiary filtration is used to filter out any solids that may be in the water. Not only that, but they also reduce the number of bacteria and viruses that may be calling the water you’re using home. 


Process water

When looking at process water, we usually think of it as all the water used explicitly in an industrial production process. After the process, the water used is rife with impurities, with several different compounds and chemicals contaminating the water. If you’re looking to use a filtration system in a secondary or tertiary process, you’ll be hard pressed to find anything better than Ultrafiltration for removing as many contaminants as possible. 

Wastewater reuse

Because their footprint is so large, companies are always looking to become more efficient and sustainable in their processes. Luckily, one of the best ways to do this is to reuse their wastewater. That way, it both reduces the amount of discharge as well as the cost of the water consumption. Unfortunately, some of the applications require a higher quality of water, but UF is definitely a good candidate for this. 

The removal of heavy metals

One thing that happens rather frequently in industrial facilities is the propensity of heavy metals to contaminate the industrial facilities’ wastewater. Unfortunately, if this water is left untreated and discharged into the lakes and rivers, it can have a disastrous environmental effect. Even still, regular treatments for this include introducing many chemicals into the water– but that’s where UF filtration can be used. In this particular case, ultrafiltration is one of the best ways to filter harmful metals out of the water without introducing chemicals.