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Are you interested in learning more about water and technology but don’t know where to start? Podcasts are an incredible resource for you to look at. Not everyone has the time or the money to look at article upon article about a certain topic, and that’s where podcasts come in! Listen to them on a daily walk, in the car on the way to work. There’s myriad opportunities to listen to podcasts. Today, we’ll be looking at a couple of podcasts on the water industry and water technology, as listed in a Xylem article.

Words on Water podcast

Want to listen to conversations from influential people in the water sector? This podcast is from the Water Environment Federation and discusses topics like the use of intelligent technologies in water infrastructure. You can listen on Apple Podcasts as well as Android!

Water Values Podcast

This podcast focuses on many different topics of the water industry. Such topics include water utilities, treatment, resources, as well as reuse. Some episodes feature people in the water industry, such as Patricia Sinicropi, the Executive Director of the Water Reuse Association, who describes the current state of water reuse.

Water In Real Life podcast

This “H2duO” Arianne Shiple and Stephanie Zavala chat about leaders inside and outside the water industry. If you’re looking for ways to impact the water industry as a customer, this podcast is for you. These podcast episodes focus on how customers can communicate and collaborate with the leaders to make an impact. You can listen to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Android, as well as Google Play!

What’s Up With Water

This podcast is a weekly news podcast from Circle of Blue. Circle of Blue is an international network of journalists and scientists devoted to reporting the global freshwater crisis. Put out at the beginning of the week, this podcast gets you on a need-to-know basis with the news on the world’s water. 


Podcasts are a great way to learn about something you didn’t before, without having to sit down for hours on end to read articles you might not even understand.